How does the Virtual Job Fair work?

Meeting in person is always the best option. However, virtual job fairs allow candidates and recruiters who aren't able to travel to meet online.

  • Job Seekers
  • Recruiters

What is a Virtual Job Fair?

A virtual job fair is an online platform where you can meet recruiters from leading cruise lines, concessions and recruitments agencies for one-to-one video meetings.

Carnival Cruise Line at Cruise Job Fair in London in June 2019

How to take part?

Are you interested in travelling the world, meeting people of different nationalities, seeing the most exotic places - all for free? Working on cruise ships offers this opportunity.

The most effective way of finding and getting a job on a cruise ship is to attend a Cruise Job Fair where you can meet the recruiters face-to-face.

Now there is a new opportunity which is nearly as good as meeting the recruiters in person - Virtual Cruise Job Fairs.

So how does it work?

What you can do now:

First, create a new profile on the Virtual Cruise Job Fair website. It takes less than 5 minutes. You will need to upload your CV. We strongly advise you upload a recent profile photo as well.

Create your account as soon as possible - do not leave it to the day of your first event.

We will notify you when a new virtual cruise job fair is added to the schedule. Sign up for the event as soon as possible. Most events have limits on the number of candidates so make sure you don't miss out.

Before the event:

A few days before the event, come to the website and test the sound and video of our system to see if it is compatible with the computer or device you plan to use on the day.

We strongly recommend that you use a laptop or desktop computer, rather than a mobile phone or tablet.

Recommended devices

On the day of the event:

Log in to the website and view the list of all companies taking part at the virtual event. Some events will just have one company, but usually a number of individual recruiters from that company will be present.

Prepare to spend at least an hour at the event, possibly more at busier virtual job fairs.

Treat this as you would a normal job fair or normal interview:

  • Dress smartly and professionally. You may wear your uniform if you have one.
  • Make sure the room you are in is quiet and well lit. Cafes, pubs, busy halls or corridors are not suitable places for a virtual job interview.
  • If possible, please make sure you are not distracted by other people, children or pets.
  • Use headphones if the sound quality of your computer is not very good.

You don't have to log in to the virtual job fair website right at the beginning of the event. Recruiters will be available throughout the day until the end of the event, and it is normally less busy during the second half of the day.

Book appointments with those companies that you'd like to work for. You will see how many other candidates are waiting to speak to the recruiters and you will be given an estimate of how long you may have to wait.

This is important: do not leave the website and do not log out of the virtual event. If you do, you will lose your place in all queues and you will have to start again.

You need to regularly check in - otherwise your appointments will be given to the next candidate in line. You must be ready to start the video interview at any moment.

You will be invited to start the meeting with the recruiter when it is your turn. The recruiter will have access to your CV and all the personal details that you entered when you signed up.

Introduce yourself, explain what you are looking for, what your experience, qualifications and strengths are. Use this opportunity to ask questions if you have any.

At the end of the interview, go back to view all your remaining appointments. Your next appointment may start soon, so be ready.

After the event:

If recruiters think you are a suitable candidate for their vacancies, they will contact you within a few days or weeks after the interview.

We hope you will find the virtual event a good experience and that your next job onboard a stunning cruise ship is just around the corner.

Good luck!